根据某产品深筒薄壁件的特点 ,选用ZL10 5合金在试验模具中用液态模锻成形工艺 ,成形出了内径 4 0mm ,壁厚 4mm ,深 10 0mm的深筒薄壁模拟锻件。并对深筒薄壁模拟件的液态模锻成形工艺影响因素进行了分析 ,对锻件脱模力进行了测试与计算
According to the characteristic of forge part with thin\|wall and deep\|cylinder, liquid forging technology was adopted to shape a model forge part with a 40mm inside diameter and 4mm wall thick and in a height of 100mm. The alloy ZL105 was adopted to shape the model forge part in a test die. The factors affect the shaping of model forge part were discussed in this paper. And the force of core drawing\|out was test and calculated also in this paper.
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