常用的模具设计过程在选材时对于经验依赖性强 ,且具有盲目性 ,不利于实现设计过程的计算机化。本文承袭传统解析法作为凹模设计的理论基础 ,以理论分析为主 ,综合分析影响凹模强度及总直径比的各个因素 ,从而使模具层数预估 ,材料选用 ,以及设计过程更合理。
The choice of dies material in the classic process of die's design depends on experience of technicians, and it is blindfold. This is the disadvantage of computerizing the process of die's design. In this paper, the classical analysis method is used as theoretic basis of die's design. Each factor that affects the die's strengthen and diametric ratio is analyzed. Interrelations of each parameter are studied. The press ranges that are suitable for each design method are definition. All of these make the forecasting of the number of die's layers, the choice of die's material, the process of design more reasonable.
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