介绍了用粘性介质压力成形 (VPF)方法制造阶梯形件的工艺过程 ,通过调整压边力与介质注入压力的配合 ,分两步来控制板料的成形 ,成功地制出了阶梯形零件。该方法在第一工步采用较小的压边力拉深预成形 ,使板料尽量流入型腔 ,第二工步则加大压边力和介质注入压力使板料最终贴模成形。结果表明采用这种新工艺成形的零件厚度分布均匀 ,减薄量小 ,表面质量好 ,尺寸精度高。
Viscous pressure forming(VPF)is introduced to manufacture the ladder part Two steps forming method is used to manufacture the ladder part successfully by adjusting the blank holder force(BHF)and the viscous pressure In the first step,a low BHF is suggested for realizing a drawing process, so the blank can be drawn into cavity easily; in the second step, the BHF and the viscous pressure should be increased for obtaining high dimensional accuracy and better tolerance It is shown, using VPF method,the manufactured part has more uniform distribution of thickness,lower thinning ratio, better surface roughness and higher accuracy
1 JLiu,BWesthoff,MAhmetogla,TAltanApplicationofViscousPressureForming(VPF)tolowvolumestampingofDifficult to formingAlloysResultsofPreliminaryFEMSimulationsJournalofMaterialsProcessingTechnology,1996,53(1,3):49~58