从汽车覆盖件拉深模拉深方向的设计现状谈起 ,分析了目前拉深方向仅凭经验设计无法进行优化的两个主要原因 :拉深方向的判别指标无法实际应用和拉深方向的难以改变 ,进而结合Pro/Engineer中的专业模块Pro/DIEFACE所提供的设计和分析功能 ,讲述了如何利用Pro/DIEFACE将这两个问题合理地解决 ,从而实现了拉深方向的优化。并举实例证明
Started from the present designing method of the direction of drawing the autobody sheets, the article analyzed the two reasons that the drawing direction cant be optimized, one is the evaluating of direction cant be used actually, the other is the drawing direction is so hard to change by the present method. Considering the function of Pro/DIEEFACE one specialized module of Pro/ENGINEER, the author put forward methods to solve the two problems and then the optimization of the direction can be achieved. At last a sample was brought out.
1 袁国定,王恒等汽车覆盖件拉伸模拉伸方向的确定及优化模具工业,2000(7)
2 JCParkOptimizationoftool/workpieceorientationindesigningdie faceofautomobileouterpanels.Proc.Instn.Mech.Engrs.Vol.209PartB :JournalofEngineeringManufacture
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