采用三维弹塑性有限元法对比分析了均壁管和非均壁管的空拔过程。模拟结果表明 ,空拔的均壁作用主要体现在外壁直径的均匀化上 ,内壁直径波动虽然也有所减小 ,但减小的幅度并不大 ;壁厚的波动不是造成拉拔力波动的主要因素 ,但壁厚的波动对变形区应力场有重要影响 ,并可显著影响残余应力的分布
This paper focused on the comparison between the hollow sinking processes of the uniform wall tube and non\|uniform wall tube.Simulation result shows that the outer wall of the tube become much more uniform after hollow sinking,but the inner wall of the tube is still to have less fluctuating.The result also shows that the fluctuating of tube diameter shouldn't be blamed for the fluctuating of drawing force,but it can cause the increasing of equivalent stress within deforming area,and it will cause significant change to residual stress field.
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