摩擦状况是评定拉深成形难易甚至成功与否的重要指标之一 ,而法兰部分又是拉深时的主要变形区域。鉴于上述原因 ,本文通过探针法来获取各种情况下不同部位的摩擦系数 ,进而分析出方盒件的成形特点 ,并分析出各种工艺参数与材料参数对成形时摩擦的影响规律 ,以便在实际生产中能对摩擦状况进行控制。
In the forming process of drawing, friction condition is one of the important factors for the forming result, while flange is the main zone of forming.As for these causes, firstly, this paper does some theory analysis by producing a mathematics model. Secondly, It gets friction coefficient in variety places and conditions by testing, does further research on forming features of square deep drawing work piece, furthermore, for controlling friction condition in practice, this paper is focused on analyzing the influence law by changing the technological conditions and the material parameter.
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