分析了WWW 的三层结构及CGI工作原理, 提出了利用Internet技术建立模具虚拟公司,建立了基于Internet的模具CAD/CAM 系统框架,并以拉深工艺中拉深系数的远程求解为例,分析了这种新型模具CAD/CAM 系统的建立和实施过程, 为模具敏捷制造的实现提供了一条新的思路。
The three\|layer structure of WWW and the working principle of CGI are interpreted in this paper.A kind of new thought,that a virtual die & mould company can be built up based on Internet has been put forward.And then the frame of a new die & mould CAD/CAM system on Internet technology is created.Furthermore,the long\|distance acquiring drawing coefficient in drawing process is taken as an example to illustrate this new die & mould CAD/CAM system based on Internet.In a word,This new die & mould CAD/CAM system based on Internet technology can help the realization of agile manufacturing in die & mould company.
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