开展了SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料热挤压工艺的实验研究, 分析了其挤压成形的力能变化规律。结果表明: 该材料的挤压载荷随着变形温度的提高而显著降低; 在一定温度下, 其挤压成形随着挤压位移的增加而呈现出填充挤压、强化挤压、平流挤压、紊流挤压等阶段性变化的特点。
The hot extrusion process of the aluminium alloy matrix composite reinforced by SiC particles was researched by experiments,the law of the energy change during the forming process was analysed.The result shows that the extrusion load is reduced distinctly with the increase in the forming temperature,and that the change of the load has four stages during the entire stroke of the extrusion punch.
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