冲压毛坯嵌套排样优化问题是冲压毛坯排样优化问题中的一个难点。本文在分析了嵌套排样优化问题产生的条件之后 ,详细介绍了一种可以在各种情况下解决毛坯嵌套排样优化问题的算法 :拆分——裁剪分段平移法。同时对采用枚举法解决毛坯排样优化问题作了总结。
Nesting is very difficult in the optimization of blank layout.In this paper,the condition in which the nesting could occur is discussed.Further more an algorithm——“break cut & subsection transversal length”,by which could solve this problem in any condition is put forward.At the same time,a summary of the enumerating method for solving blank layout is given.
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