介绍了一种冲床高速送料数控系统的硬件和软件结构。数控系统硬件采取CPU主从式结构 ,驱动单元采用高、低压供电 ,恒流斩波控制 ,并根据步进电机的特性 ,将升、降速时间控制在最小范围内 ,保证送料的高速性。数控系统的软件采用模块化结构 ,根据冲床加工特点 ,参考 ISO标准 ,设置了用户指令 ,用户指令少 ,功能强 ,可大大减少用户程序的编程量。
The hardware and software structure of a CNC system for high feed rate punching ma- chine is introduced.A master- slave mode CPU is adopted in the CNC system.A high voltage copping constant currentdriving and low voltage locking circuitis designed.According to stepmotor property the accelerating and dropping time is limited to the smallest range,the high feed rate can be obtained.Ac- cording to punching property user′s instrutions are set based on ISO.User′s instructions are few and have a high function so the user′s programme can be decreased greatly.
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