英文标题:A Heat Conduction Analogue Method in Blank Development of Irregular Draw Cups |
作者:廖卫献 梁炳文 |
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关键词:模拟法 压延件 展开 毛料 |
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出版年,卷(期):页码:1988,13(3):16-22 |
A heat couduction analogue method is put forward for determing the blank contour of irregular cups. A program FEMBLC based on the finite element method has been elaborated for this purpose without preassigning an arbitrary chosen point on the contour curve, the computer will perform the calculation automatically until a preassigned precentage of precision has been attaind. Furthermore, it is shown that the geometry of the transient part shapes in multi-stage drawing are all isothermals and can be egually drawn using the FEMBLC. The blank contours drawn this way show good conformity with the experiment.
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