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3. Hawkyard,J.B., Moussa, G."Rotary Forging of a Component with a Non-ciroular Fla nge-Control of Forging Force and Energu Dissipa tion.Poc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Rotary Metalworking Processes /October 1982/IFC Publications.
4. Marciniak Z., Konieczny A."analysis of Multi-Stage Deformation within the Warm-For ming Temperature Range". Annals of the CIRP Vo.29/1/1980.
5. Milczarek, E. Obrobka Plastyczna KI Z3 1972/.
6. Nakane, T., Kobayashi, M., Nakamura, K."Deformation Behaviour in Simultaneous backward Extrusion-Upsetting by Rotary Forging". Proc. 2nd Int.Conf.on Rotary Metalworking proce sses/1982/I.F.S. Publications.
7. Pei Xinghua,Zhon Decheng,Wang Zhonren,"A Study on the Rotary Forging"Proc. 2nd Int.Conf. on Rotary Metalworking Processes.I.F.S Publications.