<正> 低合金高强度钢自50年代就引起人们的重视,到了60至70年代随着微合金化技术的发展。低合金高强钢成为材料科学中较为活跃的研究领域。除了合理的成份设计和正确的冶炼方法以外,低合金高强钢的良好性能取决于材料自身的加工特性与相应的控制加工技术合理匹配。本文研究了用于汽车减重和节能的含磷低碳钢和双相钢的变形抗力。
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2. J.E .Hockett,Compression testing at constant ture strain rate", proceedings American Society for Testing Materials. Ⅴ 59, 1959.
4. Klenz. O.. & Buhler, H.,"The plastometer,a materials testing machine for the compre saive characteristies of metals".Z ,F.Metallkunde, Bd. 55. №.11, S668, 1969.
5. Suzuki et al, "Studies on the flow stress of metals and alloys". Report of Institute of Industrial Scionce. The University of TOKYO. Vol.18, № .,3, March. 1968.
6. P.F.Thomath, B. Fogg and A.W.J.Chishoim,"A camplastometer for investigation into the cold and warm working characteries of alloy steels" Uncorrected Preprint of paper Presented at the 9th International M.T.D.R.Confrence held at the university of Manchester 16th 20th. September 1968.