提出了一类考虑组合加工的模具生产环境下的Job Shop调度问题,通过引入"非弹性组合加工相关性"、"虚拟工序"等概念,将此类非传统调度问题转化为传统调度问题,同时考虑了实际Job Shop车间存在的复杂生产环境中的各种因素,实现了基于调度规则选择引擎的启发式算法,并将算法集成到了生产管理系统中,在深圳某模具企业中运行半年后,为企业减少了约20%的延期订单,提高了10%~20%的生产效率。
A Job Shop scheduling problem with a combination processing in mould and die production environment was proposed.Based on defined "non-elastic combination processing relativity" and "virtual process",the problem was simplified and transformed to traditional scheduling problem.Based on the dispatching rules select engine and considered factors of complex production environment,a heuristic method was designed.After this algorithm applied to a mould enterprise in Shenzhen for half a year,number of delayed orders was decreased by about 20% and production efficiency was increased by 10% to 20%.
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