针对300 MN模锻水压机原有操纵控制系统存在的不足,将“水控水”操纵控制方式改为“油控水”方式。应用现代液压控制和网络通讯技术,对水路分配系统、油压操作系统、通讯控制系统和智能监控系统进行改造设计。生产运行表明,各分配器凸轮轴转角控制精度为±1.5°,劳动生产率提高50%,实现了水压机由传统机械向现代智能型机电设备的技术升级。
Based on the analysis of shortages of the original control system for 300 MN die forging hydraulic press,the "water controlling water" control mode was reformed into "oil controlling water".Applying modern hydraulic control and communication network technique,its waterway distribution system,oil control system,communication network control system and intelligence monitor system were improved.Practical application shows that control precision of distributor cam turn angel is ±1.5°,labor productivity is increased by 50% and so that the hydraulic press is upgraded to be the intelligent mechanical and electrical equipment from traditional mechanical equipment.
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