英文标题:Investigation of formability for tailor-welded blank box based on variable blank-holder force over stroke
作者:吕盾 陈炜 郭伟刚 侯波  
单位:江苏大学机械工程学院 江苏大学机械工程学院 江苏大学机械工程学院 江苏大学机械工程学院 江苏镇江212013 江苏镇江212013 江苏镇江212013 江苏镇江212013 
关键词:拼焊板  变压边力  成形性能 
A promising approach to reduce manufacturing costs,increase environmental friendliness and improve the safety of automobiles is to the use tailor-welded blanks(TWBs).However uneven deformation,weld-bead movement and poorer formability are the important problems that need to be solved during TWB forming,and conventional design techniques can no longer be used for this kind of application.Therefore,new design guidelines have to be developed.The variable blank-holder force(VBHF) can improve the production process and exploit the formability of sheet metal in the production of lighter and more reliable parts.In this paper,a method of enhancing the formability of TWB based on the linearly increasing VBHF over stroke is put forward,and the forming of box with TWBs based on the linearly increasing VBHF varied with stroke control schemes is studied by means of dynamic explicit finite element method.Numerical simulation results demonstrate that the linearly increasing VBHF over stroke control technology is an effective method to improve TWBs formability.Compared with the constant blank-holder force,it enlarges the deformation region of thinner side closed with welded-bead,which lead to the weld-bead movement.Consequently the strain of the thinner side is reduced,and the formability of TWBs is improved.
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