注塑模模架生产是典型的单件或小批量多品种订货型生产方式,生产过期现象十分严重,因此有效跟踪十分必要。本文分析了模具企业中的3种典型的生产跟踪方法,在充分调研客户需求的基础上,具体阐述跟踪软件系统的结构设计、主要功能模块及其操作界面设计。在录入各板件的加工工步的开始和完工时间后,系统可提供企业所需的各种制造统计信息,并能随时在线显示各付模架及其组成模板的加工进展。系统在J2EE平台上采用B/S 3层结构模式和SQL Server数据库实现。
Injection mould base manufacturing is a typical made-to-order production mode of less pitch and multi-types.Effective tracing is much concerned among mould industry.Three kinds of typical production tracing methods used in mould manufacturing enterprise are analyzed. The system structure,main functions and the user operation interface design are investigated.With the recording of all the plates' beginning and ending time at every work spot,all the statistic information can be gotten and analyzed on line instantly and the production progress state can be easily monitored and enquired.The software system is developed on J2EE platform by adopting B/S structure and SQL Server.
[1]宋宏,薛劲松,毛宁,等.考虑冲突的模具生产计划调度系统研究与实现[J].计算机集成制造系统-CIMS,2001,7(2):15 18,64.