在三维激光成形中, 扫描步距、扫描的先后次序、扫描线距自由端的距离等扫描路径规划参数对最终变形量都有影响。实验表明: 当扫描线距自由端的距离 L′增加时, 弯曲角度随之增大, 但当 L′继续增加时, 板料的弯曲角度却减小, 最后逐渐趋于平缓。当扫描步距太小, 板料的总体弯曲效果并不好, 而且由于重叠加热, 使板料硬度降低。随着扫描步距的继续增大, 板料的最终弯曲效果只是每次扫描的弯曲变形量的简单迭加。而且实验发现, 先采用大的步距对板料进行扫描, 然后在两条扫描线之间再插入扫描线, 此时的弯曲效果比顺次加热的弯曲效果要好。
In three dimensional laser bending process, the planning parameters of scanning paths, such as scanning pitch, scanning sequence and the distance between the scanning line and the free end of the sheet metal, have a strong influence on the final deformation of the sheet metalThe bending angle increases with the increase of the distance between the scanning line and the free end of the sheet metalIf the distance continuously increases,the bending angle will decreaseThe final forming result is not good when the scanning pitches are too smallThe final deformation is only the sum of the deformation per scan because the adjacent heated zones don't overlap any longerIt can obtain a better forming result if the sheet metal is irradiated by using a big scanning pitch at first and a new scanning line is arranged between two scanning lines
山东省自然科学基金资助项目 (Y2002F14)
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