以实验结果为依据, 根据奥氏体不锈钢具有屈服比低, 无相变点, 加工诱发相变等特点, 通过对奥氏体不锈钢的加工硬化, 加工诱发相变马氏体, 失效裂纹等塑性加工特性分析与研究, 进一步阐明其塑性变形原理、失效裂纹产生的原因, 提出了相应的解决措施, 为正确、合理的运用这类材料加工金属制品提供了可靠的工艺设计依据。
Based on the experimental results that the austenite stainless steel has the characteristics of low yield point,no translation point and phase transformation through the fabrication,etcit is further clarified the plastic deformation principle,the reason for fatigue cracks through the study and analysis of the plastic processing features of austenite stainless steel hardening, phase transformation martensite and fatigue cracksThe reasonable settling measures have been put forward which provide the reliable process design basis for correctly using these materials making metal products
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