采用三维有限元方法 ,分析了中心分流法两步成形直齿圆柱齿轮精锻工艺。模拟了两种齿轮精锻工艺方案 ,通过对模拟结果的比较分析 ,得到了相对优化的工艺方案。结果可以看出 ,只在下模带凸台的工艺方案 ,使得上端部的齿形无法完全充满。改进后的工艺方案是 ,使上模带有与下模同样的凸台 ,从而更好地起到分流的作用 ,使得齿形充填良好。从本文实例中可以看出 ,有限元分析方法对提高锻造工艺设计水平具有显著作用。
D rigid-plastic FEM is used to simulate a two-stage precision forging process of spur gears according to the inside divided flow method in this paper. The two kinds of spur gear forging process are simulated. Comparisons are made between the simulation results to find the better forging process. From the simulation results, it is ascertained that insufficient forming is taking at the top of the part using the process with the lower pin. The modified process with upper and lower pins controls the material flow effectively and the tooth cavity was filled successfully. It has been shown that finite element simulation can improve the forging process design level greatly.
山东省自然科学基金重点项目 (Z2 0 0 0A0 1 )
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