研究了某型号轿车转向节臂零件的内高压成形工艺 ,并成功试制出样件。样件横截面主要为矩形空心截面 ,且沿轴线截面形状尺寸变化很大 ,因此需要采用管材通过预成形和终成形两个工序来完成。在预成形中 ,通过内部液压和轴向力的合理匹配 ,使最大膨胀量达到 70 %的预成形件 ;然后在终成形模具中进行压弯、合模和内高压成形 ,获得壁厚、外形尺寸均满足设计要求的最终零件形状。由于管材截面连续 ,无焊接边 ,因此整体刚度、强度均比冲压焊接件有所提高 ,并有助于提高疲劳强度
An internal high pressure forming process of a car steering column has been researched and the part is produced through experiments successfully. The cross sections of the part are mainly hollow rectangular sections with big different dimensions at different positions of the part axis, so that it is necessary to be manufactured through preforming and final forming processes with a tube blank. During the preforming, a preform with an expansion ratio of 70% can be achieved by controlling the relationship between the internal pressure and the axial feeding force. Then, through bending, closing in the final dies and forming by a higher pressure, a final part meeting the thickness and dimensions demands is manufactured. Without a welding flange, the continuous cross section of the tubular part is beneficial to enhance the stiffness, strength and the fatigue strength of the part.
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