英文标题:Research development of incremental sheet metal forming
作者:张庆丰 贾平 周旭东 穆欣 方世杰  
单位:洛阳理工学院机电工程系 河南科技大学材料科学与工程学院  
关键词:增量成形  增量压弯成形  增量拉深胀形  增量微成形 
The incremental sheet metal forming process,in which sheet metal is being formed step by step with simple die,is defined as one kind of plastic deformation technology.Without the specific die,a complex shape part can be formed in this method.Its favorable feature is small forming load and high flexibility.This technology is particularly suitable for multi-variety and small-batch production of parts,so that more attentions are paid to it by the international community.The development of incremental sheet metal forming was mainly summed and discussed in the incremental bending forming,incremental forming of deep drawing and bulging shape,as well as incremental micro-forming.Finally the future development on the incremental sheet metal forming process was prospected and it was pointed out that the four areas-theoretical innovation,the development of new simulation software,the exploration of new forming program and the development of new forming equipment are the the developing trends at present.
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