英文标题:Numerical simulation of cold extrusion and process research for electrode terminal
作者:鄢志雄 罗云华 李彦涛 韩君武 
单位:华中科技大学 材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室 上海翼锐汽车科技有限公司 玉门油田分公司 机械厂 
关键词:冷挤压 电极端子 管坯镦粗 数值模拟 


 The forming process of electrode terminals was formulated based on the theory of tube upsetting and radial extrusion. Meanwhile the process of cold extrusion forming was simulated by Deform-3D software. The metal flow and filling rules of  electrode terminal in the cold extrusion process were revealed through the analysis of metal flow velocity fields. In addition, the load-stroke curve was obtained. Finally the experiment was done according to the parameters of simulation. The result of test made good agreement to the simulation and the whole process feasibility was verified.


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