英文标题:Microscopic simulation of compression deformation process of powder particles
作者:孙龙 焦明华 尹延国 李达 邱婷 谷曼 
单位:合肥工业大学  合肥学院 
关键词:粉末颗粒压制 细观模拟 应变 压坯密度 


The compression deformation processes of powder particles were investigated via mesoscopic simulation based on finite element method of discrete body. The strain process of the particles in typical position, the deformation difference of the particles in different positions and the strain status of particles under various compacting pressure were investigated. The results show that the deformation process of the pressed powder particles consists of three stages, which are the initial stage of small deformation, the major stage of the sharply changes of strain and the ultimate stage of strain tending to stable state. The interface friction has a significant influence on deformation and pressed density of particles close to die wall. The pressed density cant be increased with the increase of compacting pressure of compaction infinitely.


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