英文标题:Metal flow of a kind of spur gear precision forming
作者:熊峰 张如华 孙玲 王师 祝岳峰 
关键词:直齿圆柱齿轮 精密成形 连续局部成形 点追踪 

为阐明直齿圆柱齿轮两步精密成形新工艺“半隆埂预成形+劈挤终成形”变形过程中的金属流动规律,以模数为4、齿数为12、齿厚为30 mm的实体齿轮为研究对象,运用Deform-3D数值模拟软件的点追踪功能,进行正、反向追踪观察分析。结果表明:预成形过程中,坯料发生整体镦粗变形,径向半隆埂状起伏侧面容易获得;终成形过程中,沿周径向宽度不大的范围内发生连续局部变形,齿槽空间原有金属被推向两侧,齿槽底面来自坯料非表层,齿顶金属由预成形的齿埂侧面转移而来,轮齿及齿槽金属均发生了较明显的轴向位移,且齿顶位移大于齿根位移,后期,部分表层金属作为余料被剥离,既为实际应用提供了工艺补偿环节,又去除了容易脱碳的表层。该工艺借助于构造不太复杂的模具和简单的模具动作,得到了清晰、饱满的轮齿及齿槽。

To clarify metal flow discipline in the new process of precision forming of spur gear with two steps of “half-ridge slot pre-forming + splitting extrusion final forming”, taking a solid spur gear with modulus of 4,number of teeth of 12 and thickness of 30 mm as the research object, observation and analysis of forward and backward tracing were carried out by using point tracing function in Deform-3D. The results show that the whole billet occurs upsetting and radial undulating side with the shape of half-ridge slot is easily to form in the process of pre-forming; While in the process of final forming, successive partial deformation occurs in the range along small circumferential radial width and metal in tooth root is pushed to two sides. The bottom of tooth root is transferred from the non-surface part of billet and metal in addendum is transferred from side face of tooth ridge. Obvious axial displacement which in addendum is longer than dedendum occurs in teeth and tooth groove. In the late stage, part of surface metal is stripped as scrap, which not only can provide process compensation for practical application, but also remove the decarbonized layer. With less complex structure and simple action, the process can form gears with distinct and full teeth and tooth groove.

熊峰(1991-),男,硕士研究生 张如华(1958-),男,博士,教授

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