英文标题:Analysis of research status on forming processes and quality control of heavy pressure vessel thick-wall sealing head
作者:华凯旋 余小鲁 王柯智 
关键词:压力容器 厚壁封头 成形工艺 质量控制 
The large pressure vessel has always been a research hotspot due to its wide use, multitudinous forming technology and high manufacturing difficulty. The research status in China, including manufacturing processes and their characteristics on heavy pressure vessel thick-wall sealing head were systematically introduced from the aspects of  the overall forming technologies including  hot stamping, spinning technology, explosive forming and rotating die forging method, etc. and split forming technology(welding forming). In addition, the key technologies of forming processes in quality control were outlined briefly. Meanwhile, the causes of forming defects such as wrinkling, cracking produced by several typical forming process were analyzed,and some of the major control measures were deduced. Finally, the research status of each forming process and processing characteristics was summarized.
华凯旋(1990-),男,硕士研究生 余小鲁(1978-),男,博士,副教授

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