英文标题:Research on composite rolling in non-vacuum environment
作者:黄乐庆 程晓茹 龚闯伟 张尧 
关键词:非真空复合轧制 压下率 缺陷 力学性能 


To study the composite rolling in non-vacuum environment, low carbon micro-alloy steel billets welded under an argon atmosphere was carried on for composite rolling, and then the mechanical properties and metallographic structure of the composite plate at the interface bonding were tested. Non-vacuum composite rolling plate had several defects located in the bottom of the plate. The original traces were not found in the interface bonding, and the isolated non-bonding sites produced by oxidizing oxy-gases were not formed. The peel cracks in the specimen were not found in the bonding experiments. The interface bonding test shows that the plate interface bonding strength increases with the increase of cumulative pressing rate. The original morphology is maintained in the interface bonding at low cumulative pressing rate by the analysis of fracture which locates in shearing surface, and there are no inclusions found in the fracture. The results show that composite rolling in non-vacuum environment can produce the plate with good mechanical properties.


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