英文标题:Parametric design on hydraulic system for high-speed
作者:安建军 张晓丽 薛飞 王拴庆 白双宝 
单位:兰州兰石集团有限公司 甘肃省大型快锻液压设备工程技术研究中心 甘肃省金属塑性成型装备智能控制重点实验室 
关键词:快锻压机 液压系统 联合仿真技术 参数化设计 VB.NET AMESim 


Parametric design is one of the trends in the technology development of hydraulic system for high-speed forging press. For the current difficulties in the design of high-speed forging press, such as complex calculation of design parameter, fussy selection of hydraulic system component, difficulty in solving problems in practical application after product forming. Using VB.NET as the development environment, based on AMESim and VB.NET combined simulation technology, the software of hydraulic system for high-speed forging press used for calculation, component selection and system simulation was designed and developed, the hydraulic system parameters of different tonnage high-speed forging presses were calculated quickly and accurately, and the hydraulic component selection and system simulation were conducted. Then, the rationality of parameters and component selection of presses were identified by the analysis of simulation results, and the design parameters,component seledion and simulation curves  were exported in the form of report. Finally, the parametric design of hydraulic system for high-speed forging press is realized, which is a favorable tool for hydraulic system designers.


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