英文标题:Research on hydroforming loading path of tube with large diameter ratio based on uniform capacity change
作者:吴娜 王连东 王晓迪 李文平 宋宗礼 
单位:1.燕山大学 车辆与能源学院 河北 秦皇岛 066004  2.唐山学院 交通与车辆工程系 河北 唐山 063000   3.燕山大学 机械工程学院 河北 秦皇岛 066004 
关键词:大变径比管件 胀形加载路径 均匀增容 预成形管坯 有限元模拟 壁厚减薄率 


 The current design of hydroforming loading path  mostly belongs to trial and error method without systematic guidance in path debugging and quantitative feedback. So a design method of hydroforming loading path based on the uniform capacity change was proposed. Taking the linear uniform change of internal volume with axial feeding as target, the hydroforming process was divided into several substeps. By adjusting the internal pressure of tube in each substep, the internal volume of each substep was adjusted along with the uniform capacity change line, and the hydroforming tube part was obtained. For the preformed tube of a large automobile axlehousing, the loading path  of uniform capacity change was obtained by numerical simulation, and the reasonable forming range based on uniform capacity capacity change line was given. Furthermore, the preforming productivity test was carried out, and the samples with clear profile, thinning rate of wall thickness met design requirements were obtained. The results show that the designed method based on uniform capacity change is suitable for guiding practical production, and the sample has high yield and good formability.

作者简介:吴娜(1980-),女,博士,副教授  E 通讯作者:王连东(1967-),男,博士,教授,博士生导师 E

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