英文标题:Optimization on rolling process parameters for rib stiffened plates based on respond surface method
作者:胡金 温彤 张梦 张智顺 
关键词:辊轧成形 筋板件 响应面法 多目标优化 有限元模拟 

 利用物理试验和数值模拟,研究了带高筋肋板的辊轧成形,分析了变形影响因素,并优化了成形工艺参数。针对筋肋填充性以及横、纵筋高一致性的典型问题,以摩擦因子m、型槽过渡圆角半径r、轧辊直径d为优化变量,建立了带高筋肋板辊轧工艺参数的响应面分析模型,将横、纵筋高以及二者差值作为目标函数对变量进行优化。结果表明:对横、纵筋高影响最大的是摩擦因子m和轧辊直径d、型槽过渡圆角半径r次之;对横、纵筋高差值影响最大的是轧辊直径d。采用最优解组合:摩擦因子为0.8,型槽过渡圆角半径为0.92 mm,轧辊直径为Φ349 mm,可使横、纵筋高值相对优化前提高50%以上,两者差值减少52%,成形效果得到极大改善。

 Based on physical experiment and numerical simulation, the rolling of highribbed ribs was studied, and the influence factors of deformation were analyzed. Then, the parameters of forming process were optimized. For the typical problems of filling dissatisfaction of forming process and height inconsistency of transverse and longitudinal ribs, friction factor m, outer fillet radius r and roller diameter d were used as the optimized variables, and the respond surface optimization model of process parameters for rolling of high ribstiffened plates was established. Then, the heights of transverse and longitudinal ribs and the difference between them were used as the objective functions, and the relevant variables were optimized. The results show that the most important influences on the heights of transverse and longitudinal ribs are m and d, followed by r, and the most important influence on the height difference of transverse and longitudinal ribs is d. Therefore, the optimal solution combination is friction factor of 0.8, outer fillet radius of 0.92 mm and roll diameter of Φ349 mm, which can increase the heights of transverse and longitudinal ribs  by more than 50% before optimization and decrease the difference between them by 52%. Thus, the forming effect is improved greatly.

重庆市基础研究与前沿探索专项项目(cstc2018 jcyjAX0159)
作者简介:胡 金(1993-),女,硕士研究生 通讯作者:温 彤(1968-),男,博士,教授

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