英文标题:Influence of deformation-heat treatment process on microstructure for 6082 aluminum alloy
作者:曾凡宜1 左长兵2 张海栋1 任治华1 王国文2 邓磊1 王新云1 金俊松1 
单位:1.华中科技大学 材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室 2.湖北三环锻造有限公司 
关键词:6082铝合金 热处理 粗晶 组织精确控制 退火-成形 固溶-成形 

 为了探明不同变形和热处理流程对6082铝合金微观组织和力学性能的影响规律,开展了6082铝合金的常规成形、退火-成形以及固溶-成形3种实验,并对微观组织和力学性能进行了表征。结果表明,退火和固溶处理可以减少挤压态试样中小角度晶界的比例,并有效地弱化其单一的强S织构。在400 ℃/0.1 s-1变形时,退火-成形和固溶-成形工艺可以有效避免常规成形出现异常晶粒长大的现象;在500 ℃/0.1 s-1变形时,退火-成形和固溶-成形工艺下试样的平均晶粒尺寸比常规成形试样的平均晶粒尺寸有所增加。工艺实验结果表明,采用固溶-成形工艺,6082铝合金锻件的抗拉强度可达到276.0 MPa,略低于常规成形锻件的283.6 MPa,但可以显著减少锻件粗晶,为高质量6082铝合金锻件的生产提供了一种新的路线。

 In order to explore the influence laws of different deformation and heat treatment processes on microstructures and mechanical properties of 6082 aluminum alloy, three kinds of experiments of conventional forming, annealing-forming and solid solution-forming for 6082 aluminum alloy were carried out, and the microstructures and mechanical properties were characterized. The results show that annealing and solid solution treatments can reduce the proportion of small-angle grain boundaries in the extruded sample and effectively weaken its single strong S texture. When deforming at 400 ℃-0.1 s-1, the annealing-forming and solid solution-forming processes can effectively avoid the abnormal grain growth phenomenon in the conventional forming, while deforming at 500 ℃/0.1 s-1, the average grain sizes of the sample under the annealing-forming and solid solution-forming processes are increased compared with those of the conventional forming. The results of process experiment show that using the solid solution-forming process, the tensile strength of 6082 aluminum alloy forgings reaches 276.0 MPa, which is slightly lower than 283.6 MPa of the conventional forming forgings, but the coarse grains of forgings are significantly reduced,Which provides a new route for the production of 6082 aluminum alloy forgings with high quality.

曾凡宜(1996-),男,硕士研究生 通信作者:邓磊(1982-),男,博士,副教授

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