英文标题:Development and application of automobile wheel hub precision forging process and automated precision forging production line
作者:冯仪 余俊 夏自力 曾凡宜 夏巨谌 邓磊 王勇 朱永吉 
单位:华中科技大学 武汉新威奇科技有限公司 武汉华中数控股份有限公司 
关键词:汽车轮毂 精锻成形 热力耦合有限元法 损伤理论 小飞边 


 According to the function and structural characteristics of the new automobile front wheel hub, a design of precision level for forgings was put forward, namely, two kinds of precision forging process schemes with no flash and small flash which was flat and thin flash were adopted, and the feasibility of two process schemes was analyzed by classical plastic forming theory and die forging process knowledge. Then, the two schemes was verified and simulated by the thermo-mechanical coupling finite element method and software Deform-3D, including the use of the damage theory and corresponding modules to simulate the process of one-time precision forging for cylinder blank to the final forgings in scheme 2, and the distributions of internal damage values for five outer flanges were studied. Based on the above research results, on the basis of comprehensive analysis and comparison, the scheme 2 was selected as the final production application scheme, and the precision forging production line was designed, including the determination of production process, equipment selection, tonnage determination and production line layout. Finally, the production application and effect were introduced.


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