英文标题:Three-dimensional stretch-bending process for aluminum profile
作者:崔广磊 李超 沈盛军 于洪兵 
关键词:铝型材 三维拉弯 夹头 运动轨迹 回弹 


 Since the motion trajectory of three-dimensional stretch-bending chuck for aluminum profile is generally a space curve, the aluminum profile is stretched and deformed during the stretch-bending process, and the motion trajectory of stretch-bending chuck is difficult to obtain. Therefore, a method for determining the motion trajectory of three-dimensional stretch-bending chuck for aluminum profile was proposed. Firstly, the two ends of inital aluminum profile were divided into fixed end and clamping end, and the coordinate system was established at the fixed end. Secondly, the central axis of product was extracted to discretize into several space points, and each discrete point was taken as the tangent point to make the tangent line of product central axis. Furthermore, the line segment of corresponding length was intercepted along each tangent direction (from the tangent point to the clamping end), the other end of the line segment was the space points through which the chuck motion trajectory passes, and by connecting these points in turn the trajectory of chuck was obtained. Finally, an example was given to verify the proposed method. The results show that within a certain range, with the increasing of the number of discrete points, the springback value decreases rapidly, and then as the number of discrete points continues to increase, the springback value changes little. In the analysis, the middle part is taken as the springback reference standard, and the springback value obtained is closer to the actual result.



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