英文标题:Influence of extrusion speed on microstructure evolution of teeth for aluminum alloy internal thread tube
作者:李旭东 黄东男 熊振 黎华杰 纪维玥 
单位:内蒙古工业大学 中铝材料应用研究院有限公司 
挤压速度和温度作为挤压的关键工艺,直接影响制品的组织性能。为此采用6063铝合金为实验材料,以铝合金内螺纹管为研究对象,研究了挤压速度(60~120 mm·min-1)对铝合金内螺纹管齿形质量和组织演变的影响。结果表明,在恒定的挤压温度(460 ℃)下,随着挤压速度的升高,齿槽角α逐渐减小,齿槽角β先减小后增大,在挤压速度为60 mm·min-1时α和β取得最大值,分别为142.67°和148.67°。通过显微组织分析,发现齿部横截面主要为等轴晶。随着挤压速度的升高,齿部晶粒尺寸先减小后增大,在挤压速度为120 mm·min-1时取得最大值,为13.51 μm。随着挤压速度的升高,齿部出现变形织构和再结晶织构。从螺纹齿成形质量考虑,60 mm·min-1为最适宜的挤压速度。

 As the key process parameters of extrusion, extrusion speed and temperature directly affect the microstructure and properties of product. Therefore, for internal thread tube of 6063 aluminum alloy, the influences of extrusion speed (60-120 mm·min-1) on the tooth profile quality and microstructure evolution of aluminum alloy internal thread tube were studied. The results show that at a constant extrusion temperature of 460 ℃, with the increasing of extrusion speed, the tooth groove angle α gradually decreases and the tooth groove angle β first decreases and then increases, and the maximum values of α and β are 142.67° respectively when the extrusion speed is 60 mm·min-1. Through microstructure analysis, it is found that the cross section of teeth is mainly equiaxed. With the increasing of extrusion speed, the grain size of teeth first decreases and then increases, and the maximum value is 13.51 μm when the extrusion speed is 120 mm·min-1. With the increasing of extrusion speed, the deformed texture and recrystallized texture appear in the teeth. Considering the forming quality of thread teeth, 60 mm·min-1 is the most suitable extrusion speed.


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