英文标题:Hot drawing on Ti6Al4V titanium alloy box-shaped parts
作者:郭文平1 施立军2 3 曹江4 张邦1 孙桂川2 方刚3 
单位:1.贵州永红航空机械有限责任公司 2.苏州伍玥航空科技有限公司 3.清华大学 机械工程系 4.空装成都局驻贵阳地区第三军代室 
关键词:Ti6Al4V钛合金 热拉深 盒形件 减薄率 成形性能 


 Based on the analysis of the factors affecting the hot forming performance of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy sheet, the process development of actual hot forming parts was guided by finite element simulation. Firstly, based on the hot uniaxial tensile experiment, the influences of temperature and average strain rate on flow stress, forming limit and thickness directivity coefficient of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy sheet were summarized. Then, according to the geometrical characteristics of box-shaped parts, the three factors affecting the forming of box-shaped parts, namely, forming temperature, average strain rate and sheet direction, were analyzed by finite element simulation, and the optimal forming parameters were obtained. Finally, referring to the optimal forming parameters obtained by the simulation, the fine-turning was conducted according to the actual forming effect, and the deep drawing of box-shaped part was completed. The results show that the final forming effect and the thinning rate of part are basically consistent with the results of finite element simulation, which proves that the finite element simulation can reflect the actual forming state of part accurately. Thus, it is significant to determine the reasonable process conditions for the hot drawing of box-shaped parts.

作者简介:郭文平(1987-),男,学士,高级工程师 通信作者:施立军(1988-),男,博士研究生,高级工程师

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