英文标题:Influence of forging conditions on microstructure of high strength building Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe aluminum alloy
作者:郭正烜1 李子亮2 
单位:1.山西工程科技职业大学 建筑设计学院 山西 晋中 030600  2.河北科技大学 材料科学与工程学院 河北 石家庄 050091 
关键词:Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe铝合金 锻压温度 锻压比 显微组织 Si颗粒尺寸 
分类号:TG146.2; TG316

 摘要:为研究不同锻压条件对近共晶Al-Si合金Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe显微组织的影响,在300、400和500 ℃锻压温度以及1.5和2.0锻压比下,通过收敛模具对Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe铝合金进行锻压,并采用光学显微镜和X射线衍射仪对铝合金的显微组织及析出相进行观察。实验结果表明:铸造态的Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe铝合金形成了多种复杂的金属间化合物相,如β-Al4.5FeSi相和Al2Cu相。在锻压过程中Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe铝合金的显微组织显著细化,同时,粗大颗粒发生破裂和碎片化。随着锻压温度的升高,Si颗粒长大,晶粒细化减弱;随着锻压比的增加,Si颗粒破碎加剧,晶粒细化更明显。300 ℃锻压温度、2.0锻压比下可以获得最佳细化效果。可为Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe铝合金实际锻造生产过程中显微组织的变化提供理论基础。


 Abstract: In order to study the influence of different forging conditions on the microstructure of near-eutectic Al-Si alloy Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe,Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe aluminium alloy was forged by converging dies at the forging temperatures of 300, 400 and 500 ℃, and the forging ratios of 1.5 and 2.0, and the microstructures and precipitation phases of the aluminium alloy were observed by optical microscope and X-ray diffractometer. The experimental results show that as-cast Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe aluminium alloy forms a variety of complex intermetallic compound phases, such as β-Al4.5FeSi phase and Al2Cu phase. In the forging process, the microstructure of Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe aluminium alloy is significantly refined, while the coarse particles rupture and fragment. When the forging temperature increases, Si particles grow up, and the grain refinement weakens. When the forging ratio increases, Si particle fragmentation increases, the grain refinement is more obvious, and the best refinement effect is obtained at 300 ℃ and the forging ratio of 2.0. Thus, this study provides a theoretical basis for the microstructure change of Al-11.5Si-2Cu-0.5Fe aluminium alloy during the actual forging production process.


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