英文标题:Low constraint fluid-assisted forming law for GLARE complex section components
作者:王耀1 2 3 4 牛旭昶1 程娥1 张云华5 郑四发2 赵丽滨1 4 6 胡宁1 3 4 
单位:(1. 河北工业大学 机械工程学院 天津 300401 2. 清华大学 苏州汽车研究院(相城) 江苏 苏州 215134   3. 河北工业大学 电工装备可靠性与智能化国家重点实验室 天津 300401   4. 河北工业大学 先进智能防护装备技术教育部重点实验室 天津 300401   5. 河南本杰科技有限公司 河南 郑州 450003 6. 河北省跨尺度智能装备技术重点实验室 天津 300401) 
关键词:GLARE 低约束 流体辅助成形 复杂特征 失效形式 




For a new generation of aerospace manufacturing material Glass Fiber Reinforced Aluminum alloy Laminates(GLARE), the irregular box-shaped parts with variable curvature and curved surface characteristics were prepared by using low-constraint GLARE as sheet metal, and the experiment was conducted by the fluid-assisted forming process to explore the influence laws of blank holding force, hydraulic pressure and its loading path on the forming quality of specimen. Furthermore, according to the failure mechanism analysis on the parts, the best process parameters for the forming were obtained, and combined with the optimized hydraulic pressure loading path, the forming law of complex components was obtained. In addition, the failure forms of irregular box-shaped parts with different forming heights were analyzed. The results show that increasing the blank holding force and hydraulic pressure within a certain range is beneficial to the forming of parts, and adopting the path of larger hydraulic pressure loading speed and holding pressure improves the forming quality of parts.



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