英文标题:Optimization of spoke stamping process and wrinkle control method
作者:赵帅1 石光林1 王文枫1 玉文雁2 彭金2 何世明1 彭蔚杰1 
单位:(1.广西科技大学 机械与汽车工程学院 广西 柳州 545006 2.广西泰坦宇翔钢圈股份公司 广西 柳州 545027) 
关键词:B500CL钢 冲压成形 起皱 压边力 模具结构 拉延筋 



  In response to the problems of high production costs and low production efficiency due to the use of multi-pass forming or hot forming processes for high-strength wheel steel, for a commercial vehicle wheel spoke, by reducing the number of stamping passes and improving the existing stamping scheme, the critical state of sheet metal stamping wrinkling and the change rule of blank holding force were analyzed, and the wrinkling position was predicted. Then, the stamping process parameters to suppress wrinkling defects were determined, and the stamping process of wheel spoke was simulated. Furthermore, by optimizing the die structure and adding local draw beads to change the flow resistance of material during the stamping process, the defects such as wrinkling and thinning were improved, and the optimized process scheme was experimentally verified. The results show that the material absence at the notch makes the blank holding force required in each area different, which is the main cause of wrinkling defects. After changing the die structure and adding draw beads, the forming quality of wheel spoke is good, the wrinkling defect is suppressed, and the thinning rate of the optimized product is controlled within 5%.

作者简介:赵帅(1998-),男,硕士研究生 通信作者:石光林(1967-),男,硕士,教授

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