英文标题:Electromagnetic forming process and material properties of 5A02 aluminium alloy reducer pipe
作者:门向南1 刘昊2 邓涛1 张晓林3 苏红亮1 张虹桃1 张松1  唐天宇2 黄亮2 
单位:(1.成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司 四川 成都 610092   2.华中科技大学 材料科学与工程学院 材料成形与模具技术全国重点实验室 湖北 武汉 430074   3.中航成飞民用飞机有限责任公司 四川 成都 610073) 
关键词:5A02铝合金 电磁成形 变径管 线圈匝数 放电电压 力学性能 

 Based on the electromagnetic forming process of 5A02 aluminum alloy reducer pipe, the influences of coil turns and discharge voltage on the forming accuracy of reducer pipe were studied by numerical simulation and forming experiments combined with fracture morphology analysis, and the reasons for the performance changes of 5A02 aluminum alloy after electromagnetic forming were explored. The results show that with the increasing of coil turns, the range of magnetic field action increases. When the number of coil turns n is 20, the pipe fittings could achieve good mold adhesion. As the voltage gradually increases, the combined effect of work hardening and pulse electromagnetic field leads to increase first and then decrease in the elongation of material. The tensile strength and hardness almost unchange after increasing. When the discharge voltage is 8 kV, the maximum die gap of pipe fittings is 0.12 mm, which is less than 0.2 mm meeting the forming requirements. Simultaneously, with the increasing of voltage, the number of ductile dimples on the tensile fracture surface of pipe fittings gradually decreases. However, when the voltage reaches 8 kV, the number of ductile dimples increases to some extent. 


 Based on the electromagnetic forming process of 5A02 aluminum alloy reducer pipe, the influences of coil turns and discharge voltage on the forming accuracy of reducer pipe were studied by numerical simulation and forming experiments combined with fracture morphology analysis, and the reasons for the performance changes of 5A02 aluminum alloy after electromagnetic forming were explored. The results show that with the increasing of coil turns, the range of magnetic field action increases. When the number of coil turns n is 20, the pipe fittings could achieve good mold adhesion. As the voltage gradually increases, the combined effect of work hardening and pulse electromagnetic field leads to increase first and then decrease in the elongation of material. The tensile strength and hardness almost unchange after increasing. When the discharge voltage is 8 kV, the maximum die gap of pipe fittings is 0.12 mm, which is less than 0.2 mm meeting the forming requirements. Simultaneously, with the increasing of voltage, the number of ductile dimples on the tensile fracture surface of pipe fittings gradually decreases. However, when the voltage reaches 8 kV, the number of ductile dimples increases to some extent. 

作者简介:门向南(1983-),男,博士研究生,高级工程师 通信作者:黄亮(1981-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:



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