英文标题:Preload characteristics analysis on combined movable beam for large-scale double-column up-pressing hydraulic press
作者:贾磊1 杨晋1 何琪功2 栾大为3 杨晓波1 
单位:(1.兰州交通大学 机电工程学院 甘肃 兰州 730070 2.兰州兰石能源装备工程研究院有限公司 甘肃 兰州 730050  3.兰州兰石重工有限公司 甘肃 兰州 730050) 
关键词:液压机 组合活动横梁 工况分析 预紧力 整机设计 


 For the preload structure and characteristics of combined movable beam for large-scale double-column up-pressing fast forging hydraulic press, the disadvantage of the method for designing the movable beam by the whole machine design was analyzed, and through the unbalanced loading analysis, the feasibility of designing the movable beam separately and then designing the whole machine was determined. Then, based on the above design method, taking the forging cube billet as an example, a model of working condition analysis was established by analyzing the forging process of billet, and through compared and analyzed the preloads under different working conditions, it was determined that the fast upward was the worst working condition for the preload analysis of combined movable beam pull rod. Furthermore, the preload model of pull rod under the worst working condition was established, and the idea of determining the preload was proposed. Through the finite element analysis, the correctness of determining idea for the preload of combined movable beam was verified, which provided a feasible idea and method for the preload structure design and theoretical research of the combined movable beam in the large-scale double-column up-pressure fast forging hydraulic press.

作者简介:贾磊(1996-),男,硕士研究生 通信作者:杨晋(1962-),男,学士,教授

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