退火温度对共挤压DP600/AA1060层合板微观组织及 力学性能的影响
英文标题:Influence of annealing temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties for DP600/AA1060 laminate produced by co-extrusion process
作者:江永涛 彭凤英 廖娟 
单位:(福州大学 机械工程及自动化学院 福建 福州 350116) 
关键词:DP600/AA1060层合板 转角复合挤压工艺 退火温度 显微硬度 界面强度 微观组织 共挤压成形 

 以转角复合挤压工艺制备的DP600/AA1060(双相钢/铝)层合板为研究对象,探究不同退火温度(490、520和550 ℃)下层合板的界面力学性能及微观组织。通过界面剪切试验和显微硬度测试试验对界面结合处及两侧金属进行了力学性能研究,采用扫描电镜和能谱仪分析不同退火温度对层合板界面形貌变化和成分分布的影响。试验结果表明:退火处理有助于提高层合板结合区域的硬度。随着退火温度的升高,界面剪切强度增加,在550 ℃下界面剪切强度相比于未退火时提高了2.2倍。随着退火温度的升高,钢/铝复合界面开始出现间断的扩散层,界面主要失效形式由脆性断裂转变为韧性断裂,层合板的塑性变形能力得到了改善。


 For DP600/AA1060 (dual-phase steel/aluminum) laminate produced by angular co-extrusion process, the interfacial mechanical properties and microstructure of laminates at different annealing temperatures of 490, 520 and 550 ℃ were explored. Then, the mechanical properties of metal at the interface and on both sides were studied by interfacial shear test and micro-hardness test, and the influences of different annealing temperatures on the interfacial morphology change and composition distribution of laminates were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy. The results indicate that annealing treatment contributes to the increasing of hardness in the bond region of laminates. With the increasing of annealing temperature, the interfacial shear strength increases. The interfacial shear strength at 550 ℃ increases by 2.2 times higher than  that without annealing. With the increasing of annealing temperature, the discontinuous diffusion layer appears at the steel/aluminum interface. Additionally, the primary failure mode of the interface transitions from brittle fracture to ductile fracture, and the plastic deformation ability of laminates is improved.

作者简介:江永涛(2001-),男,硕士研究生 通信作者:廖娟(1984-),女,博士,教授

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