英文标题:Influence of heat treatment process on forming quality and mechanical property of steel and aluminum riveting
作者:吴磊1 邵长春2 李旺珍3 庞海东4 潘家念3 
单位:(1.柳州铁道职业技术学院 汽车技术学院 广西 柳州 545616 2. 柳州铁道职业技术学院 智能制造学院 广西 柳州 545616   3.广西科技大学 广西汽车零部件与整车技术重点实验室 广西 柳州 545616 4.万向智造有限公司柳州工厂 广西 柳州 545036) 
关键词:自冲铆接 AlSi10MnMg铝合金 热处理 能量吸收 失效模式 



 The self-piercing riveting joints were prepared by HC340/590DP high-strength steel as upper layer plate and AlSi10MnMg aluminum alloy as lower layer plate.Before riveting,T5, T6 and T7 heat treatments were applied to the AlSi10MnMg aluminum alloy to investigate the influence of different heat treatment methods on the forming quality of joints.The results show that the plasticity performance of aluminum alloys in T6 and T7 states is better than that of cast and T5 states. Based on the surface forming quality and cross-sectional metallographic structure of joints, it is found that the macroscopic forming of joints has no obvious defects and good internal forming quality when using the aluminum alloys in T6 and T7 states as the base plate of joints. Furthermore, through the static tensile test of joints, it is found that the performance of the aluminum plate joint after T6 heat treatment is more stable. The main failure mode of shear test is that the rivets are pulled out completely casued by the warping deformation of the first layer of steel plate, and the joints of aluminum plates in cast and T5 states appear brittle fracture and the joints of the aluminum plates in T6 and T7 states appear brittle and ductile fracture. The failure mode of peel and cross tensile tests is characterized by the large deformation of sheet metal.

作者简介:吴磊(1988-),男,硕士,副教授 通信作者:邵长春(1985-)男,硕士,副教授,高级工程师



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