英文标题:Research progress on rim crack mechanism of train wheel
作者:黄志超 陆嫣 姜玉强 
关键词:列车车轮 车轮辋裂 损伤机理 疲劳裂纹 裂纹萌生 裂纹扩展 夹杂物 


 The problem of wheel rim crack for train becomes increasingly significant with the development of highway and heavy-loaded railway, and there is no fundamental solution at present. Therefore, the analysis methods, formation mechanisms, influencing factors and detection techniques of wheel rim crack for train at home and abroad were reviewed, in order to enhance the fatigue strength of wheel materials and prolong the service life of wheels. The analysis methods of wheel rim crack for train were summarized, mainly including the fatigue failure theory and fracture mechanics theory. Then, the damage mechanism causing the wheel rim crack for train was summarized from two stages of wheel rim fatigue crack initiation and propagation for train, in which the inclusion in the rim was the key factor of the initiation and propagation of fatigue crack. Furthermore, combined with the existing research results, the detection technologies of wheel rim crack for train were summarized, and the future research direction of the wheel rim crack problem for train was discussed.


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