英文标题:Status of research and application on three-roll planetary rolling for copper and copper alloy tubes
作者:刘劲松1 2 3 孙扬乐1 陈大勇2 3 宋鸿武2 张士宏2 陈传来3 
单位:1.沈阳理工大学 2.中国科学院金属研究所 师昌绪材料创新中心  3.常州润来科技有限公司 
关键词:三辊行星旋轧 铜及铜合金 定量控制 水冷控制系统 组织演变 


With the increasing demand of the quality and efficiency of copper tube products, the tube needs to meet the higher standards of thin-wall, large spiral angle, high teeth and so on. However,the tube is not controlled quantitatively by the existing three-roll planetary rolling process and the uniformity of microstructure and properties is difficult to be guaranteed,which have adverse impact on the quality and properties of the subsequent products. Therefore, in view of the above problems, the research and application for the three-roll planetary rolling process were investigated, and the research affiliations, progress and existing blind spots and problems of three-roll planetary rolling for copper and copper alloy were reviewed and summarized. The results show that scientific research institutes, universities and enterprises have made a lot of research on the macroscopic laws of the three-roll planetary rolling process for copper and copper alloy and pay some attention on the microstructure evolution in the rolling process. However, the relevant research is still lack on the quantitative control of water cooling flow and microstructure in rolling. The quantitative, differentiated and precise cooling of three-roll planetary rolling may become one of the most effective ways to solve the defects of the existing rolled tubes, which will lay the theoretical model and mechanism foundation for the intellectualization of three-roll planetary rolling process for tubes and become the research hotspot soon. 


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