英文标题:Experimental study on influence of cutting process on formability and fracture mode for high strength steel
作者:李亚1 2 牛超1 2 连昌伟1 2 
单位:1.宝山钢铁股份有限公司 中央研究院 2.汽车用钢开发与应用技术国家重点实验室(宝钢 
关键词:切边工艺 DP980钢 QP980钢 剪切边拉伸实验 边部开裂 断裂应变 断裂伸长率 


For DP980 steel and QP980 steel materials, the specimens were machined by milling, water jet cutting, wire electrical discharge machining and blanking, and the influences of different cutting processes on fracture elongation and fracture strain were compared by the shear edge tensile experiments based on DIC method. Then, the tensile fracture process of specimens under different cutting processes was tracked, and the necking deformation and fracture morphology of different steels were analyzed. Furthermore, the reason why the traditional forming limit diagram, which was established based on necking principle, could not accurately predict the edge cracking of high strength steel was explained. And so the influence of the cutting process on the edge must be considered in the fracture failure model. The experiment results show that necking fracture and shear edge fracture are two typical fracture modes in the shear edge tensile experiment, and QP980 steel is more sensitive to the cutting process and has better local formability than DP980 steel. For QP980 steel, the properties of material obtained by cold working methods (water jet cutting and milling) which removes material from the edges is better than that of hot working  methods (wire electrical discharge machining), and it is superior to blanking edge. Thus, for two kinds of steel, grinding the blanked edges can effectively improve the material properties. 

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