英文标题:Research and experimental verification on extrusion forming process of 5A06 alminum alloy conical shell
作者:付敏敏1 2 亢涛涛1 王强2 张曼曼1 2 王文珂3 刘浩1 2 史月龙1 车景宾1 2 
单位:1. 首都航天机械有限公司 2. 天津航天长征技术装备有限公司  3. 哈工大(威海)创新创业园有限责任公司 
关键词:5A06铝合金 锥形壳体 自由锻 热挤压成形 Deform-3D 


A certain 5A06 aluminum alloy conical shell forgings is formed by free forging and then machined as a whole, which results in low material utilization rate, long production cycle, high production cost and poor consistency in quality, and it is difficult to meet batch production requirements. In view of the above problems, a hot extrusion forming process scheme was presented, and the forgings close to the shape of parts were formed directly. Then, the extrusion forming process was simulated by software Deform-3D, and the forming process and quality were analyzed by equivalent stress, internal grid streamline diagram, temperature field and load distribution. Finally, the process experiments were also conducted to verify. The results show that the hot extrusion forming process scheme can produce the forgings with good appearance quality and defect-free internal quality, and the mechanical properties and high and low magnification structures can meet the acceptance requirements, which verifies the feasibility of the process scheme. Compared with the free forging scheme, the material utilization rate is doubled, the production efficiency is increased by six times, and the production cost of per piece can be saved by more than 20000 yuan by using extrusion forming.


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