英文标题:Prediction of damage cracks and process improvement in roll-beating for clutch hub teeth
作者:刘健1 2 侯玉秋1 薛锐3 胡占雄3 安法金1 王程皓1 董守骏1 
单位:1.天津工业大学 机械工程学院 2.天津工业大学 工程教学实习训练中心  3.天津市天海同步科技有限公司 
关键词:离合器毂齿 滚打成形 断裂准则 裂纹预测 韧性断裂 


For the problem of local cracks easily appeared along the root of hub tooth sidewall after roll-beating of clutch hub teeth,  the generation mechanism of cracks was analyzed by the combination method of numerical simulation and experiment. The tensile experiment of S420MC steel material for the clutch hub teeth was conducted, and the stress-strain curve was obtained. Combined with the constitutive model of material established in ABAQUS,  the corresponding relationship between stress triaxiality and fracture strain was obtained. Furthermore, the parameters of Johnson-Cook material damage initiation criteria were determined by using the simulated annealing algorithm. Based on the combined toughness damage initiation criteria and Johnson-Cook material damage initiation criteria in ABAQUS, it is found that the cracks in the root of hub tooth are consistent with the actual situation. Through the optimization of process parameters, the cracks of workpiece   are eliminated. Finally,the actual production were carried out based on the optimized process parameters, and there were no cracks in the workpiece. Thus, the optimized process not only guarantees the product quality, but also improves the production efficiency.


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