英文标题:Microstructure and shear properties of diffusion bonding interface for Ti60 titanium alloy
作者:廖子颖1 李保永1 刘伟1 秦中环1 吴迪鹏2 吴腾飞2 武永2 
单位:1.北京航星机器制造有限公司 2.南京航空航天大学 
关键词:Ti60钛合金 扩散连接  剪切强度  界面组织 焊合率 

在保温温度为900~960 ℃、保压压力为1~3 MPa、保温保压时间为0.5~3.0 h的条件下Ti60钛合金进行了扩散连接试验,测得扩散连接界面的剪切强度,并采用金相法测定了扩散连接界面的焊合率,分析了扩散连接条件对原始板材轧制方向室温拉伸性能的影响。试验结果表明:随着保温温度、保压压力增大以及保温保压时间延长,Ti60钛合金板材扩散连接界面的焊合率增加,剪切强度增大;在960 ℃/2 MPa/2 h的试验条件下,焊合率达到98.5%,剪切强度达到559.6 MPa。Ti60钛合金板材经940 ℃/2 h高温保温后,室温抗拉强度由1154.5 MPa降低至994.1 MPa;保温温度达到940 ℃后,升高温度和延长保温保压时间对Ti60钛合金的室温强度影响不大。

The diffusion bonding experiments of Ti60 titanium alloy were carried out under the conditions of the holding temperature of 900-960 ℃, the holding pressure of 1-3 MPa and the holding time of 0.5-3.0 h. The shear strength of diffusion bonding interface was measured, and the bonding rate of diffusion bonding interface was measured by metallographic method. The effect of diffusion bonding conditions on the tensile properties of original sheet at room temperature in the rolling direction was analyzed. The experiment results show that the bonding rate and the shear strength of diffusion bonding interface for Ti60 titanium alloy sheet increase with the increasing of holding temperature, holding pressure and holding time. The bonding rate  reaches 98.5% and the shear strength reaches 559.6 MPa under the experiment condition of 960 ℃/2 MPa/2 h. The tensile strength of Ti60 titanium alloy sheet at room temperature decreases from 1154.5 MPa to 994.1 MPa after holding at 940 ℃ for two hours. When the holding temperature reaches 940 ℃, increasing the temperature and holding time have little effect on the strength of Ti60 titanium alloy at room temperature.


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