英文标题:Design of multi-station transfer die for fingerprint lock shell part based on AutoForm
作者:余健1 易自红2 张英本3 
单位:1.嘉兴南洋职业技术学院  2.嘉兴如邑智能科技有限公司 3. 浙江协同光电科技有限公司 
关键词:指纹锁壳体 侧面收口成形 多工位传递模 活动式模组 尺寸精度 


The forming process of fingerprint lock shell part was simulated and analyzed using finite element software, the reasonable process scheme was obtained, and a set of multi-station transfer die based on servo mechanical hand feeding was designed. Then, in view of the difficulties in material feeding, positioning and taking out caused by the inverted characteristics at the edge part of barrel mouth after side closure forming, the working parts were designed into a movable module structure at the side closure, side shaping, side punching and cutting stations, and the multiple sets of guiding systems outside and inside the die were used to guide the movement components of the upper and lower dies and inside the die. After trial production, the results show that the die work is reliable, the surface quality and dimensional accuracy of the parts meet the technical requirements, and the production efficiency is significantly improved compared with the original single-process die. Thus, it can provide reference for the process scheme optimization and the die structure design of similar products.


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