英文标题:Experimental and simulation study on early failure of hot forging mold for H13 steel ring splint
作者:闫涛1 唐恬悦2 祁海胜1 乔金芳1 杨智勇2 
单位:1.宝鸡保德利电气设备有限责任公司 2.北京交通大学 
关键词:H13钢 热锻模具 失效分析 裂纹 热处理工艺 

为解决H13钢有环夹板热锻模具在使用过程中频繁出现早期裂纹而失效的问题,结合有环夹板模具的失效形式及部位,使用直读光谱仪、洛氏硬度计、光学显微镜和扫描电镜分别对所取试样的材料成分、硬度和金相组织等进行了分析。同时,通过拉伸测试和冲击测试检验了材料的力学性能,并结合有限元仿真分析和讨论了H13钢有环夹板热锻模具的失效原因。最后,针对模具的失效原因进行了热处理工艺优化。结果表明,模具早期失效的主要原因为模具材料组织偏析且有较多共晶碳化物夹杂,同时存在回火不充分的现象,导致了马氏体残留,M-A组织在回火时未能充分转变,导致回火后硬度不足和不均,且模具锻造过程中在失效部位存在较大的应力集中,超出了材料的疲劳强度,造成了模具的变形和早期开裂。优化后的热处理工艺为:1060 ℃淬火+580 ℃第1次回火+180 ℃第2次回火,材料强度显著提高,其中抗拉强度提高约28%,屈服强度提高约58%。

In order to solve the failure problem of hot forging mold for H13 steel ring splint due to frequent early cracks in the process of using, combined with the failure forms and parts of ring splint mold, the material composition, hardness and metallurgical organization of the taken specimens were analyzed by using direct-reading spectrometer, Rockwell hardness tester, optical microscope and scanning electron microscope, respectively. At the same time, the mechanical properties of material were examined by tensile test and impact test, and the failure causes of hot forging mold for H13 steel ring splint were analyzed and discussed by combination of finite element simulation analysis. Finally, the optimization of heat treatment process was carried out for the causes of mold failure. The results show that the main reason for the early failure of mold is the organization segregation and more eutectic carbide inclusions in mold material, and at the same time, the phenomenon of insufficient tempering, results in martensite residue, M-A organization in the tempering failed to fully transform, resulting in the insufficient and uneven tempered hardness, and there is a large concentration of stress in the failure part of the mold during forging, which exceeds the fatigue strength of the material, resulting in the deformation and early cracking of the mold. Optimized heat treatment process is quenching at 1060 ℃ + 1st tempering at 580 ℃ + 2nd tempering at 180 ℃, and the material strength is significantly improved, while the tensile strength increases by about 28% and the yield strength increases by about 58%.  


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